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When is the right time for orthodontic treatment?

Most people think that braces and teenagers go “hand in hand.”
However, most orthodontic treatment begins at an earlier age—often between the ages of nine and 14.


Why? Orthodontic treatment that is begun while the child is growing may produce optimum results. This is why it is recommended that every child receive an orthodontic evaluation no later than age seven.

Generally, children at this age have a mix of adult and baby teeth. Your child’s dentist can spot many problems with emerging teeth and jaw growth early on, while baby teeth are still present.

From 6 to 8 years old

is a common age for first Orthodontic examination, when the first permanent teeth are coming in. dentists can help to control bad habits and follow up the growth of the jaws.

From 8 to 11 years old

is the time of mix dentition (baby teeth & adult teeth).

Sometimes, children can be treated at this time & they may not need braces later on. If  they need braces later on, treatment will be easier & shorter.

From 11 to 17 years old

will be generally  the good time to start treatment with braces when on of permanent teeth have just erupted. Treatment during this period will be specific and need to consider about the growth of the face.

Adult can have their teeth straightened at all ages for better smile, better bite and overall health.

Today, Orthodontic treatment with cosmectic braces helps patients to be more confident in their  social life.

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