Every single mouth is home to billions of bacteria which is born and grow up in dental plaque built-up in places that are harder for a toothbrush or floss to reach. Bacteria is the main root of gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth decay, which can lead to tooth loss.Besides tooth loss, there are special connections between periodontitis and respiratory disease, Atherosclerosis, heart disease, and premature births of pregnant women…
How to keep your teeth healthy and strong until old age?
Private oral hygiene including daily brushing, flossing, using mouthwash 2 times per day, when done correctly, cannot completely remove plaque from your teeth. Professional cleanings by your dentist or dental hygienist will keep plaque under control in places that are harder for a toothbrush or floss to reach: between 2 teeth and below the gum line.
Conventional process for oral hygiene visit includes:
1- Scaling
Traditionally, “scaling” refers to the process of manually scrapping off with sharp stainless steel instruments (“hand scalers”) the hardened pieces of plaque and tartar that are stuck to your teeth.
2- Stain Removal
Tough stains like coffee, tea or cigarettes stains need to be removed using scalers, This can sometimes be painful
3- Polishing
Tooth polishing is the act of smoothing the tooth surface. Common practice is to use a prophy cup – a small motorized rubber cup – along with an abrasive polishing compound.
Traditional polishing with rubber cup can remove 4 micrometers of tooth surface during a 30-second prophy past + rubber cup polishing procedure. With frequent polishings, tooth surfaces may be damaged due to the loss of fluoriderich enamel surface levels. Abrasive pastes may scratch the outer surfaces of materials used for restorations such as composite resin, amalgams, and gold restorations.
Other concerns are bacteremia and damage to the pulp of the teeth due to the heat generated by the friction of the rubber cup.
Minh Khai Dental Clinic up to date oral hygiene visit with ultrasonic and Air-Flow
1- Ultrasonic Scaling
The high quality scaling tip made in Switzerland, vibrates at high frequency with water to remove calculus/ tartar
Before After
2 – Stain removal & polishing with Air-Flow
It is a new advanced hygiene cleaning treatment that uses a mixture of air, jet water and sodium bicarbonate/ erythritol to remove stains, polish and clean your teeth.
Biofilm on tooth surface before Air-Flow Tooth surface after Air-Flow
3- Benefit of polishing with Air-Flow compared to traditional polishing with rubber cup
- Can remove up to 100% of bacteria and endotoxins
- Method of choice for stain and plaque removal
- Creates uniformly smooth tooth surfaces
- More comfortable for patient
- No heat generated
- No pressure against teeth
- No tooth contact
- Stain and dental plaque removed in less than half the time
- Can be used on Implants.
4 – Minh Khai Dental Clinic uses exclusively up-to-date technology of EMS (Switzerland)
Air-Flow is safe for your teeth. Researches have determined that there is no disruption of enamel, cementum, dentin surfaces. Air-Flow Polishing is an advanced version of a stain removing and polishing combine into one treatment where you will walk away with significantly improved tooth brightness, fresher breath and giving you a sparkling fresh healthy mouth in an instant.
Minh Khai Dental Clinic uses the new and exclusive technique scaler Pizeon, Air-Flow Master and Air-Flow Powder PLUS, which are all imported directly from Switzerland. The powder measure only 14 microns (6 times smaller than conventional Air-Flow powder) for optimal polishing of your teeth. This method takes less time and causes no pain as traditional polishing. It can be used supragingivally to remove biofilm, stains and polish the teeth. It can also be applied under your gum to remove biofilm even from the deepest periodontal pockets.
Bicarbonate/erythritol Na powder for optimal teeth polishing