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Monday – Saturday

8:00 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 20:30

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Process of orthodontic treatment

Minh Khai Dental Clinic is applying and following the process of orthodontic treatment as below

Step 1: Check up and diognoses

Patients will be checked up. take picture, take impression, take cephalo and panorex Xray. Then data will be analyzed by software.

           Take impression
Then stone will be made for both arch with occlusion check.

Take picture of patients (front face, profile, smile, lower arch, upper arch, upper occlusion, lower occlusion, right occlusion, left occlusion)

Take Xray of cephalo, panorex
All data will be put in software for analyzing. Then Orthodontist will make ortho treatment plan for patient


Step 2: The orthodontist will meet patient again and explain the treatment plan.

Orthodontist will discuss with patient to choose best solution: which kind of braces (metal or ceramic), estimated time, show patient estimated result and price for the treatment. This is important step for patient to have full information to device his/her treatment. 

Bước 3: Do teeth cleaning, polishing, guide patient to wear tool, instrument for functional early treatment or put braces for patient…

Bước 4: Orthodontist will follow the treatment plan, update, analyze result after every time patient come for adjustment. For braces treatment, next appointment will be every 4-6 week, for treatment with clear aligner time to meet orthodontist will be much less.

Bước 5: When the result meet patient desire, braces will be removed. Orthodontist will give patient tool, instrument and advice/ guiding for maintenance. 

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