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Endodontic treatment at Minh Khai Dental Clinic

One of best things that modern dentistry brings to you is that you do not have to say goodbye to your teeth because of unexpected incidents such as severe tooth decay, tooth infection, tooth crack… Thanks to endodontic treatment (root canal), your damaged teeth can be repaired and preserved instead of extraction.


Procedure of root canal treatment at Minh Khai

Painkillers can be taken temporarily to relieve severe tooth pain. But it’s important that any tooth pain be examined and treated by the dentist. Root canal treatment usually takes only 1 or 2 visits to dental clinic to finish. Although the myth says endodontic treatment is extremely painful, the fact is there is little to no pain because local anesthesia is used. The endodontic treatment can be done quickly and comfortably, you even have no feeling of the procedure.

Before treatment, your dentist will:

  • Take X-rays to get a clear view over your tooth state and the surrounding bone.
  • Numb the area around your tooth with local anesthetic so you can not feel pain during the treatment.
  • A sheet of latex rubber called “dental dam” is placed to keep everything dry, clean and protected from viruses, bacteria and fungus that may stay in the mouth.

During treatment, your dentist will:

  • Open the top of your tooth with specialized instrument
  • Remove the damaged tooth nerve from inside the tooth and in the tooth canals
  • Clean inside the tooth and each root canal. Very small instruments are used to clean the pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals and to shape the space for filling. Germ-killing medicine may be used.
  • Fill the root canals with biocompatible material, usually a rubber-like material called gutta-percha to seal them against future infection. The gutta-percha is placed with an adhesive cement to ensure complete sealing of the root canals.
  • Then place a temporary filling on the tooth to protect it until a definitive restoration like a permanent filling or crown can be placed at the earliest opportunity.

After root canal treatment:

  • Your tooth and the area around it may feel sensitive for a few days. You can talk with your dentist about how to relieve any discomfort you may have.
  • Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics if the infection spread. Use as directed, and follow up with your dentist if you have any problems taking it.

You will need a follow-up visit after the root canal treatment. At this visit, your dentist will remove the temporary filling on the tooth and replace it with a regular filling or a crown to protect your tooth from further damage. If the tooth lacks sufficient structure to hold the restoration in place, a metal or plastic post may also be placed in the root canal to help make sure the filling materials remain in place. This helps support a crown if you need one. Ask your dentist or endodontist for more details about the specific restoration planned for your tooth.


Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is virtually painless and often leaves you with less discomfort during recovery than if you have your natural tooth extracted.

All the troubles that may face you if you have your tooth removed, can be prevented when root canal treatment save your natural tooth.

Root canal treatment is less expensive than any tooth restoration. In addition, a tooth undergoes a root canal will continue to function like any other natural tooth.

With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime.

Why you should have root canal treatment at Minh Khai Dental Clinic?

Endodontic treatment is quite complicated, which requires skill and experience of endodontist , as well as support of innovative equipment. Minh Khai Dental Clinic is proud to be qualified to ensure success of endodontic treatment, thanks to professional well-experienced doctor team and all of state-of-art equipment manufactured in the United States and Europe.

Dr. Philippe Guettier – Endodontist – Founder of Minh Khai Dental Clinic

Dr. Philipe Guettier – Endodontist – lectures regularly and has presented in over 250 lectures on cosmetic dentistry and endodontics topics in Congresses and at Dental Schools, before audiences of specialists and general dental groups, in more than 35 countries.

At Minh Khai Dental Clinic, doctor team is regularly trained with updated technique by Dr. Philippe Guettier –known as Minh Khai Dental Clinic founder.

Dr. Philippe Guettier graduated in Medicine at the University of Paris VII in 1984 and specialized in Dentistry at Garancière Paris VII Dental School, in 1988.

Since 1995, Dr Guettier has also been continuously involved as a consultant in the research and development of new endodontic products for leading dental manufacturers. His main interest is the research of innovations to simplify and improve endodontic treatment of general dentists in their day to day practices.

Dr. Philippe was training root canal treatment
Dr. Philippe was training root canal treatment